Telegram has introduced its first update of 2025, enhancing the platform with a new account verification method powered by third-party authorities. Along with this update, users will benefit from improved message search filters and the option to turn gifts into NFTs.
While Telegram previously verified public figures and organizations, the platform has now expanded its verification program to allow already-verified third-party entities, such as food quality regulators and educational consortiums, to verify accounts.
Instead of the traditional blue checkmark, third-party verified accounts will display a distinct logo next to their names.
According to Telegram’s official blog, “This decentralized platform for additional verification will help combat scams and misinformation — offering a unique and proactive solution that raises the safety standard for social platforms.”
Entities seeking to authenticate accounts must first undergo Telegram’s verification process and submit an application to qualify for the verified status. Telegram’s Bot API will allow these entities to assign or remove verification, similar to how organizations on platforms like X can purchase verification and verify affiliated accounts. Once verified, affiliated accounts will display the organization’s logo on their profiles.
Telegram has also introduced a new feature allowing users to turn their gifts into NFTs with custom backgrounds and icons. To send these gifts, users can spend Telegram Stars, which are purchasable through the app or the Fragment site by linking their TON crypto wallet.
Telegram stated that users will be able to trade these NFTs on various platforms. However, to upgrade gifts to collectibles, Telegram charges users a fee to cover blockchain transaction costs.
Telegram has integrated cryptocurrencies into the platform for both creator monetization and payments for games and mini apps. This move expands Telegram’s use of digital currencies beyond simple transactions.
Additionally, the company has introduced an emoji reaction feature for service messages, like when someone joins a group, as well as new search filters for private chats, group chats, and channels.