7 Reasons Not to Buy a Compact Smartphone

For years, compact smartphones have been synonymous with convenience and ease of use, but today, for several important reasons, even companies are no longer willing to produce them.

Compact smartphones with relatively smaller sizes, known as “compact,” have been a category that has had its loyal fans for years, and companies experienced remarkable sales in the compact size of their products.

These phones fit comfortably in the hand, and it is even possible to use them with one hand. Their ideal balance in terms of portability, functionality, and even grip without slipping has been one of the key factors behind the popularity of compact smartphones.

However, there are reasons why purchasing a compact phone is no longer recommended, and even many companies have discontinued their mini phone lines. Despite their appeal, the demand for compact smartphones has steadily decreased in recent years. For instance, following this trend, companies like Apple were forced to halt the production of mini iPhones due to poor sales and lack of demand.

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Larger Display, More Content

Smartphones today are no longer just used for calls and occasional texting. They have become an inseparable part of human life, managing everything from web browsing to content streaming, much like a pocket computer. A larger display suddenly allows for more content to be displayed and makes viewing easier.

For many people, a smartphone is the primary device for displaying content, and for easier use and better viewing, a larger screen has become one of the necessities for most people in society.

When Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone 4S in 2011, he said that the 3.5-inch screen size was perfect for any kind of smartphone use. Now, a decade later, imagine watching today’s games and content on a 3.5-inch display.

Surely, the excitement and thrill you experience with today’s phones would never be found on that size. In fact, it now seems limiting, as just imagine using such a phone to browse the countless content available today. You would quickly realize why larger screens have become essential for everyone.

In other words, in a world where people are trying to quickly find what they need among millions of pieces of content, using smaller displays only results in spending more time. Meanwhile, with a flagship phone featuring a larger display, you could quickly select from multiple pieces of content at once.

Watching movies on a larger display certainly brings more appeal and satisfaction.

Compact Phones Lack Space for Modern Features

Modern smartphones pack an incredible array of hardware into their slim bodies. To enable features like instant payments, GPS navigation, wireless charging, and fast 5G connectivity, a phone needs enough space to accommodate components like NFC chips, accelerometers, antennas, and magnetic coils.

Designing a compact phone inevitably requires compromises, which ultimately result in limited space for the placement of advanced and modern components. As a result, the manufacturer must either remove these components, which diminishes the phone’s value and technologies, or use smaller components that won’t provide the necessary performance.

In fact, shrinking the components is only possible to a certain extent, after which it negatively impacts the phone’s performance. In a compact phone, technologies like fast charging or high-speed connections would have to be sacrificed, while a larger phone can not only accommodate these features but also include a larger battery, which is essential for powering all those advanced features, allowing the device to last longer.

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Challenging Photography in Compact Phones

The camera in modern smartphones has become a key selling point. To capture images of exceptional quality, powerful hardware is also required, and this powerful hardware certainly takes up a lot of space.

Most flagship phones come with multiple camera modules for wide-angle, portrait, and zoomed-in shots. These modules require space for sensors, optics, and, in some cases, advanced periscope systems.

Compact smartphones cannot match the versatility of larger devices. A compact phone may offer a decent main camera, but it is unlikely to feature high-quality ultrawide or telephoto lenses. Moreover, the lack of space for more advanced image processing chips further reduces the quality of the final images.

Larger Phones Manage Heat Better

Modern smartphones compete with laptops and computer systems in terms of performance. Equipped with powerful processors and 16GB of RAM, especially during heavy tasks like multitasking or gaming, they generate considerable heat. With the production of this heat, the next competitive aspect of modern smartphones comes into play: which one manages the generated heat more effectively.

In general, larger devices dissipate heat more effectively because they have more space for cooling mechanisms. Today, flagship phones, especially gaming devices, use various cooling systems such as passive systems like heat pipes or active systems like fans in some gaming phones. Compact phones are more prone to overheating, which can lead to a decrease in overall performance and efficiency over time.

As a result, mini phones will have smaller cooling systems and are sure to face issues during heavy tasks.

Typing on Larger Displays is Easier

A larger display not only enhances the visual appeal but also improves the usability of the phone. Virtual keyboards on larger phones offer bigger keys, reducing typing errors and thus increasing typing speed. Additionally, people with vision problems face fewer issues when typing on such phones, as they can more easily write out text or comments.

While typing with one hand on larger phones may feel uncomfortable, most modern keyboards offer a one-handed mode, ensuring that this doesn’t become an issue for users, especially those with smaller fingers.

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Larger Phones are Best for Gaming

The gaming phone debate has become a significant industry, and for many users, their primary device for gaming. Larger displays with clearer visuals, more precise graphics, and smooth rendering of complex effects enhance the gaming experience on these phones.

They also provide more space for on-screen controls, so you won’t have to worry about lack of space for your fingers on the display while gaming. Additionally, larger phones typically feature bigger batteries and better cooling systems, allowing for longer and uninterrupted gaming sessions.

The Production Cost of Compact Phones is Very High

Mini or compact smartphones are niche products, and producing niche products rarely offers cost efficiency. In fact, producing niche products, such as compact phones, comes with high costs. This is why, despite being praised by critics, the iPhone 12 and 13 mini models accounted for only 3% of total iPhone sales.

Building flagship hardware into a small body requires custom engineering. From smaller circuit boards to redesigned cooling systems, these are just a few of the added costs companies face when producing compact phones. These additional costs drive up the final price of compact smartphones, but their limited appeal doesn’t justify such an investment. Even a company like Google has moved away from its compact phone idea and, instead, focused on larger, more profitable models.

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Of course, compact smartphones still have a niche audience who are willing to buy them at any cost. However, due to the small size of this market and the high production costs, companies have opted out of these significant profits. For most consumers, the benefits of a larger device outweigh its downsides.


While the nostalgia for compact smartphones is understandable, the reality is that today’s needs demand larger devices. From higher-quality displays and cameras to longer battery life and better cooling systems, larger-sized phones are more practical for today’s requirements.

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